Privacy Policy

CBD Waste & Recycling

Privacy Policy

CBD Waste & Recycling prioritizes internet communications with a strong commitment to individual
privacy rights. We endorse active self-regulation for responsible marketers to freely utilize all
communication channels in engaging consumers.

We’re dedicated to ensuring your details are kept private. Any collected information about you
remains strictly confidential, and we refrain from sharing, selling, or swapping personal details. This
data is used to identify your inquiry and, if applicable, deliver our email newsletter.

When you use our website or any other, the web server requires your computer's network address
to send requested web pages to your browser. This unique "IP address" is automatically sent each
time you access any internet site, allowing the determination of a computer's general geographic
location while maintaining anonymity.

We don't retain records of IP addresses unless you've provided personal information. In such cases,
your IP address is recorded for security purposes, such as during a checkout process. After form
completion, your IP address, along with a transaction number, is stored to facilitate order tracking.